These are Our Stories
Getting a Covid-19 vaccine is a personal decision. While many people believe that getting vaccinated is the quickest and most effective way to get back to the lives we knew before the pandemic, some members of our community are struggling with the decision. Here are a few stories from Clinica staff about why they decided to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

I decided to get vaccinated to protect myself, my children, family, friends, co-workers and our community. I believe in science. I believe in the vast amount of research that has been done in order to make this vaccine safe. To help the world come closer to normalization. To be able to hug and spend time with my loved ones, and to stop this pandemic that has caused a lot of pain and grief to so many. I am excited to be one step closer to vacations, socializing, and being with my loved ones.

After much speculation, I received the COVID-19 vaccine. I learned in depth information from the webinars Clinica Family Health provided. Thank you Clinica for being so informative to me and our staff. I have a really big family in Houston that I can’t wait to see. My parents are elderly and I do not want to potentially expose them to Covid-19.
My husband has underlying medical conditions and I don’t want exposed him me. This past year we lost extended family love ones to this disease. I hope all people will find it within themselves to do the right thing by using masks, doing social distancing, and by getting the vaccine. I hope, with the Clinica team doing our part, less people will be affected. A big “Thank you” to all Immunization Champions and Clinica staff who have made this possible.

Initially, I was hesitant to get the vaccine because of the timeline, knowing that vaccines are in general something that takes time. After asking people around me, family, friends, the majority did not want to get it. Being the first person in my family to work in healthcare, I am the person that they usually come to ask about health related things. So I made the decision that if I get the vaccine it will maybe help others close to me feel more comfortable about taking it as well.

I have been reading up on the mRNA use of protein cells to trigger the immune response instead of previous technology of using the actual disease cells. I think this is just amazing!!!
I live in a household of two boys (22 and 17) who are out and about constantly. I personally am not afraid of getting COVID-19 as I know the odds of disaster are slim, but it is possible for a 43-year-old to pass it along. So who wants risk when there is no need to be with a vaccine?
I really believe that the faster a lot of the population is vaccinated (I know a lot won’t), the faster our society can return to normality. I don’t do well with masks.
I think by showing enthusiasm to Clininca that I am a resounding yes and passing that excitement to people I know will simply help any fear that people get talked into with a media that festers shock/conflict , etc… I also want my excitement to fester within Clinica itself and kind of show appreciation for Clinica stepping up to get the early doses for our staff.

I’m getting the COVID vaccine because I don’t want to get COVID. I want to be able to expend time with my grandkids without worrying that I will bring the virus to them. I want to get the vaccine because when I hear that we have 3000+ deaths daily in our country only, it makes me very sad. It is beyond my mind that this is happening in our country. I believe that vaccines have been a blessing to us, now and in the last century. My mother shared with us her mom’s story during the time before vaccines. My Grandmother had 11 children, and only 4 survived through childhood. All passed due to whooping cough, measles, polio and other communicable diseases. I cannot imagine her pain of losing so many children as a mother! When I compared the risks from getting the vaccine and the risks of not getting the vaccine… honestly there is no comparison. Plus there are no new risks with the vaccine. They are the same as with other vaccines. We have the opportunity to stop this pandemic. It is in our hands, in our shoulders! This is the opportunity of a lifetime.

I never really believed that the Covid vaccine would be ready as early as everyone said. By October we were seeing some results coming back from trials and the media was starting to say that it looked like we’d get a vaccine by the New Year. I was skeptical to say the least. How could a vaccine be created, tested and distributed so quickly and still be safe? I honestly had no intention of getting the vaccine immediately. Thankfully though I am fortunate to work with some excellent providers who have taken the time to not only share their knowledge with me, but also provided me with information that I could read and absorb on my own. This combined with several conversations with other medical providers in my family and friend circle, I decided I would get the vaccine. Based on the knowledge I’ve gained through research, peer reviewed material and conversations with knowledgeable medical doctors, this vaccine is the first important step to getting control of this situation, and saving lives. I want my daughters to be able to return to their extracurricular activities, not to mention having a normal school experience. I am so ready to be seeing patients again at Clinica, and working side by side with the entire care team to bring the best in healthcare to our community.