Community Food Share and Clinica Family Health hosted a free food distribution on Saturday, June 27.

The distribution started at 9am. By 8:45, the line of cars stretched through our parking lot and out into the street.
Farmers have had a difficult time getting their products to market due to Covid-19. Many were destroying their crops because customers (schools, restaurants) had closed down. The FDA started a food box program to support farmers and feed families during the pandemic.
Community Food Share brought two refrigerator trucks full of food boxes to the event.
Cars lined up with their trunk or back door open. Drivers stayed in their cars. Volunteers asked how many families the driver was picking up for and placed the appropriate number of boxes in the car.
Each family received:
- 10 lbs of potatoes
- 10 lbs of apples
- 5
lbs of pears
- Celery
- Carrots
- Plums
- Onions
- Lettuce
- Tomatoes
- 10 lbs of seasoned chicken or 5 lbs of bacon
- A loaf of bread
- A gift bag from the Census Bureau that included cheese, crackers and other items.
By 11:55a, almost everything was gone. 152 cars came through. More than 200 families were fed.
Thank you to Community Food Share for your partnership!
We look forward to doing this again!
By Susan Wortman, Vice President of Development